
Qui sono elencati i comandi da poter svolgere sul server



/k help

/k create [name]

/k rename [name]

/k bank

/k bank deposit [amount]

/k claim

/k unclaim

/k lore

/k tag [name] / [remove]

/k home

/k sethome

/k unsethome

/k nexus

/k vault [kingdom]

/k resourcepoints

/k sell

/k promote [player]

/k [ally] / [truce] / [enemy] [kingdom]

/k revoke [kingdom]

/k demote

/k gui

/k pvp

/k map

/k extractor

/k chat

/k disband

/k invade

/k king

/k visualize

Your Horse Commands (Guarda il tutorial Click here)​

/h create <Name>

/h me

/h stats

/h skills

/h claim

/h buy

/h sell

/h summon

/h banish

/h kill

/h laderboard

/h shop

/h breed

Local shop commands (Guarda il tutorial click here)​

/shop count -- count amount of given item in stock inventory

/shop create -- Creates player shop at the targeted location

/shop delete -- Deletes shop at the targeted location

/shop deleteid -- Deletes a shop you own with the given id number

/shop list -- Shows list of your shops with location

/shop manage -- Manage your player shop with given id if remoteManage is true

/shop out -- List shops with rows and items that are out of stock

/shop stock -- Manage your own stock remotely if enableStockCommand is true

/shop shops -- List every shop in the server with owner player head skins and shop id number

/shop sold <page/clear> -- Show missed shop messages with optional page or clear them

/shop view -- View a players shop remotely if remoteShopping is true

Cannons Command (Guarda il tutorial Click Here)​

/cannons build

/cannons fire

/cannons adjust

/cannons imitata

/cannons rename [Old] [New]

/cannons info

/cannons list

/cannons buy

/cannons dismantle

/cannons reset

/cannons claim

Pet commands







Other Commands

/pet | /pets



/trade <player>










Last updated